Hexafly Biotech - Maynooth University

Hexafly Biotech is an Irish company pioneering the use of insects and insect-based products for inclusion in feeds and as plant nutrients. Among other products, Hexafly Biotech produces a soil enhancer called Hexafrass and in 2021 the company worked with Maynooth University on a collaborative research project investigating novel applications for Hexafrass. It was discovered that the application of Hexafrass to soil significantly reduces the reproduction of barley aphids (greenflies) on cereal plants. These are a major pest, difficult to control with chemical insecticides and this discovery creates the possibility of Hexafrass becoming a highly effective and environmentally sustainable treatment for use in horticulture and agriculture.

Hexafly Biotech signed licence agreements with Maynooth University to commercialise the know-how and outputs of the research project. The Innovation Office at MU captured the IP generated during the research project, initiated licence negotiations and supported the successful licensing agreements. The Innovation Office at MU has also led discussions for further development of the IP with Hexafly who continues to work on company-funded collaborative research projects with the university.



"SSPC funding and collaboration with Maynooth University has allowed us to co develop novel applications for our products that will have commercial value in the coming months and years. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Maynooth university as we continue to advance our R&D program and bring more discoveries to market." - Alvan Hunt, CEO and Co-Founder, Hexafly


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